3 Signs It’s Time for a Career Change

Published: February 15, 2023

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No relationship is perfect. And while you may have had a great start with your career, things can change. Whether you’re feeling unfulfilled, undervalued, or just plain bored, it might be time to move on and find something new. Here are three signs that it’s time for a career change.

1. You’ve Hit a Wall in Terms of Progression 

Have you been at the same level in your job for what feels like forever? Are you working longer hours but not getting any closer to a promotion? If so, it might be time to try something new and find an opportunity that offers more chances for growth and advancement. 

2. You Don’t Feel Challenged  

This is key! If you’re no longer learning or being stretched beyond what you already know then it could be time for a change of scenery. Find an industry or even a company that will allow you to tackle tougher challenges and develop yourself further as an employee.

3. You’ve Outgrown Your Role 

This happens all the time! Maybe when you first started in this role it was exciting and new, but now your interests have shifted and you’re ready to explore something else entirely. That’s okay! Don’t be afraid to pursue something different if that’s what lights the fire inside of you again.

Step into the Healthcare Field 

Thinking about moving into a healthcare role, but feeling a little out of your element? You’re in good company. The majority of CALRegional students had zero prior medical experience before they started training. That’s right. Our graduates previously worked in retail, food and beverage, or other hospitality industries. While the experience was no doubt valuable and served its purpose, they were ready to take the next step in their professional journey – one towards better job security, higher pay, and meaning in their lives. You can learn more about how to find a healthcare job you’ll love here.

Stepping outside of our comfort zone can lead us towards even greater successes down the road! Want to learn more about entering the medical field? We’re here to answer all of your questions.